Below you can find everything you need to know about the Towny plugin.
Docs + features:
What can you do with Towny in MoreCraft?
Towny allows players to start towns and nations. A nation is a group of towns.
A mayor of a town can set permissions and settings separately for all the plots in the town. E.g., add or remove PVP, allow or disable destroying blocks.
The mayor can also set plots for sale, which residents can buy to build on.
Helpful YouTube videos:
Towny ranks and costs
Rank | Achieve by | Special Permissions | Costs |
Nothing | Default rank | ||
Resident | Living in a town | Buy land that is for sale; Access resident-only areas. | Plot costs and taxes are decided by the Chief/Mayor. |
Recruiter | Being invited by a mayor | Resident permissions; Can invite new players to the town. | Plot costs and taxes are decided by the Chief/Mayor. |
Assistant | Being invited by a mayor | Resident permissions; Can add players to the town; Claim land; Set plot permissions. | Plot costs and taxes are decided by the Chief/Mayor. |
Builder | Being invited by a mayor | Resident permissions; Build and destroy freely on non-resident owned plots. | Plot costs and taxes are decided by the Chief/Mayor. |
Co-Mayor | Being invited by a mayor | All lower-rank permissions; Can kick residents; Can towny ban / unban players; Can clear inactive player’s plots; Can put plots for sale / not for sale. | Plot costs and taxes are decided by the Chief/Mayor. |
Settlement Chief (0-5 residents) Village Mayor (6-15 residents) Town Mayor (16-35 residents) Grand Town Mayor (36+ residents) | Owning a town | All town permissions. | Town: $3500 New plot: $1000 + 20% per extra plot Upkeep per plot: $10 |
Count (1-3 towns | County) Crown (4+ towns | Monarchy) | Owning a nation | All nation permissions. | Nation: $15000 Upkeep per town: $250 |
Towny commands
- /t new {townname} – Creates a new town.
- /t here – Shows you the town overview (when in a town)
- /t add {resident} – Mayor command to add residents to your town
- /t buy bonus {number} – Buys that amount of additional claim chunks
- /t kick {resident} – Mayor command to remove residents from your town
- /t spawn – Teleports you to your town’s spawn
- /t claim – Mayor command to claim the town plot in which you stand for your town
- /t claim outpost – Claims an outpost for your town
- /t unclaim – Mayor command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand
- /t deposit {$} – Adds money from player to the town bank
- /t withdraw {$} – Takes money from the town bank
- /t outpost {number} – Teleports to an outpost
- /t rank {add/remove} – {playername} {Builder/Recruiter/Assistant} – Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the town
- /t set board {message} – Sets message seen by residents upon logging in
- /t set mayor {resident} – Mayor command to give mayor status to another resident
- /t set homeblock – Sets the homeblock and spawn of your town
- /t set spawn – Sets the town spawn, must be done inside the homeblock
- /t set name {name} – Change your town’s name
- /t set outpost – Sets a townblock as an outpost
- /t set perm {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off} – Gives permissions to build/destroy/switch/itemuse (It’s recommended to turn build and destroy off for outsiders to prevent griefing
- /t set taxes {$} – Sets taxes collected from each resident daily. Also sets percentage if taxpercent is toggled on
- /t toggle explosion – Turn on/off explosions in town
- /t toggle fire – Turn on/off firespread in town
- /t toggle mobs – Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in town
- /t toggle public – Turn on/off public /town spawning and the co-ordinates of the town’s homeblock in the /town
- /t toggle pvp – Turn on/off pvp in town
- /t toggle taxpercent – Turn on/off taxing by percent/flatrate
- /t toggle open – Turn on/off public joining to your town
- /t join {townname} – Command to join a town that doesn’t require invites
- /t ? – Shows the town help page
- /plot claim – Resident command to personally claims a plot that are for sale
- /plot {forsale/notforsale} {$} Set a plot for sale. (You can also do /plot fs or /plot nfs as a shortcut
- /plot set reset – Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot
- /plot set shop – Sets a plot to a shop plot. – /plot set embassy – Sets a plot to an embassy plot
- /plot set arena – Sets a plot to an arena plot. – /plot set wilds – Sets a plot to a wilds plot
- /plot toggle fire – Turn on/off firespread in the plot in which you stand
- /plot toggle pvp – Turn on/off pvp in the plot in which you stand
- /plot toggle explosion – Turn on/off explosions in the plot in which you stand
- /plot toggle mobs – Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in the plot in which you stand
Nation commands
- /n new {nationname} – How to create a Nation
- /n withdraw {$} – King command to remove money from the nation bank
- /n deposit {$} – King command to add money to the national bank
- /n {add|remove} {playername} {assistant} – Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the nation
- /n add {town} .. {town} – Invites/Adds a town to your nation
- /n kick {town} .. {town} – Removes a town from your nation
- /n delete {nation} – Deletes your nation
- /n set king {resident} – King command the nation
- /n set capital {town} – Sets the capitol and king of the nation
- /n set taxes {$} – Sets nation tax applied to the towns within the nation
- /n set name {name} – Sets the nation’s name
Chat commands
- /g – use global chat
- /l – use local chat (Only players that are near are able to see this)